Should I write post when my site is under review for Adsense?

Should I write post when my site is under review for Adsense?

Yes, You should definitely start writing posts. You should always try to get your site reviewed as soon as possible, especially if you have been waiting for months already like me. You never know how long it takes Google to approve your account. There are some people who got their sites approved after weeks! So don't wait too long.
Also, write a good piece of content that can help them understand what they need to improve and why? This may lead to higher click through rate and better CTR (click-through rate).
You should also make sure that it's easy for search engines to index your site. If it's not indexed yet then you'll just wasting your energy writing about things that aren't really going to benefit you anyway. You probably won't even get any clicks from the traffic you send to your website.
For example, if you're trying to rank for keywords such as Amazon reviews, you might want to focus more on improving your product pages rather than your homepage.
How to get Fast Google Adsence Approval?
Well, it is very hard to get Google Adsence Approval for beginners. So , there are somethings that you should know. If you follow Google Adsence Policy then 100% you will get Approval.
1. Write unique Articles.
2. Minimum Words.
3. Use best templates for your blogger, wordpress.
4. Add pages.
5. Minimum posts should be 25-30.
6. Traffic Requirement.
1. How to write unique article?
To write unique articles first we have to do keywords research. On market there are many free keyword researcher tools are already available. On Google just search free keyword researcher tools you will get many Keyword researcher tools.You can take help from this tools for to write unique articles.
Write the articles on that topics which is search volume is high but the competition it too low or medium to get organic traffics.
2. Minimum Words.
Do you want to rank your articles? If yes then don't be laziness to write articles.To rank your articles you should have to write articles under 1000 words or more then that.
Template play a great role in everythings. Template makes your website attractive. And it also helped to get Google Adsence Approval. On the market there are many free templates are available just pik-up one free templates and customize it properly. Proper customization is crucial for Adsence Approval.
4. Add Pages.
Add pages like "About Us" , "Contact Us", " DMCA" , "Disclaimer" , "Privacy Policy".
5. Minimum Posts.
There should be minimum 25 posts. But make sure that your articles and website has indexed on Google. Without getting your website indexed don't apply for Adsence Approval.
6. Traffic Requirement.
Many beginners they have one question related to Traffics. But Google doesn't require any organic traffic to get Adsence Approval.
Google Adsence Policy.
Above i have tell you only about related to website, now let know about Google Adsence Policy.
1. Adsence don't give Adsence approval on downloading website. But after getting approval you can do.
2. Don't give backlink from your website to other website. I mean , Your website should not redirect users to unwanted websites,like downloading, containing pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with site navigation.
You can read Adsence Policy here Google Adsence Policy
hey please give me feedback related to this topics.